Tutorial : Crafting fake teeth
Material :
- Worbla’s Deco art (small white pellets)
- A bowl (heat-resistant, avoid plastic)
- A heat gunSculpting tools
- A glass of cold water
- Black tea
1st step : Dental impression
First, put some Worbla’s Deco Art pellets in a bowl (about 20) and heat them with a heat gun. When all the pellets are transparent, form a cylinder. Be careful not to get burnt as the material can get very hot… do not hesitate to use the glass of cold water to refresh your fingers 😉
Once the cylinder is formed, apply it directly on to your teeth to take their imprint. This will allow you to put on your fake teeth without using glue (picture 1).
As soon as it begins to harden, take the cylinder off your teeth and put it in cold water so it hardens completely. And voilà, you have a nice denture!
Turn the denture upside down (imprint below), heat the surface and mark the delimitation of the teeth (picture 2).
2nd step : Add the fake teeth
Heat some pellets again, starting with a few (5 for example). Heat and form a tooth between your fingers. Add pellets as you go until the tooth has the desired size (remember to count the number of pellets if you need to make several teeth of the same size).
Once the tooth is formed and hardened, heat its base and the place of the denture you want to put it on. Fuse them together carefully.
Repeat as many times as necessary.
3rd step : Tint the teeth
Finally, put your teeth in a lukewarm black tea bowl (be careful, if it’s too hot, your dentures may deform) and let it sit overnight.
Your dentures are now ready!
Thank you for reading this tutorial, I hope it will help you to make beautiful tusks! 😀
I’ve worked as a dental technician for many years and I’m very familiar with lab materials and techniques, but this is a clean, inexpensive, simple way to make character teeth. Nicely done!